Webstorm 2020.3
Webstorm 2020.3

webstorm 2020.3

PhpStorm will determine whether a switch block can be converted to a match expression, and it will automatically do so with an Alt+Enter quick-fix. A match expression can be used as a value and assigned to a variable or returned.

webstorm 2020.3

Match expression - The new match expression is a type safe and compact alternative to the switch statement.This version makes sure that the operator is being used correctly. Nullsafe operator - Instead of having to use cumbersome conditions with null checks, the new ?-> operator allows you to build chains of calls with implicit checks for null for each element.You can convert constructor-initialized properties into promoted properties or change them back with Convert to promoted property Alt+Enter quick-fix.Constructor property promotion - This feature lets you reduce the amount of boilerplate code when you initialize variables through a constructor.Add parameter names automatically with an Alt+Enter quick-fix.This eliminates the need to set optional parameters, and it means calls are now self-documented: Named arguments - Function and method arguments in PHP 8 can now be passed by specifying a parameter name.From there, you can also change the language version if composer.json doesn’t list any restrictions on the PHP version. There is a corresponding indicator in the status bar. See language version - Now you can always see which language version is being used in a project.PhpStorm will help you verify that your existing code is compatible with it, update your codebase more quickly, and take advantage of the latest language improvements. PHP 8.0 is a major language update with many new features.

Webstorm 2020.3